On behalf of the Egyptian society of progenitor cell research it is our great pleasure and honor to welcome you to be a member in our ESPCR
In order to promote development of regenerative medicine through facilitating connections among local and international societies, assisting our society to establish regenerative medicine related regulations and promoting the collaboration among academics, clinics, industry and government institutions, Our aim is to provide a platform for ideas exchange and collaborations for clinician and biologists to stimulate scientific researchs and collaborations. We anticipate joining top scientists from all world countries and regions. Your participation will add significant value to the ESPCR and once again, we extend our warmest welcome, and wish you a very productive and enjoyable experience and research in stem cells and Regenerative Medicine from basic research to applications.
ESPCR President
Osama Al-Ghanam
Prof.Dr. of neurosurgery
Dean of Cairo Al-Azhar Faculty Of Medicine